Vadim Sergeyevich
the doctor of pedagogical sciences,
professor of Educational Measurement

Renovation on 2th November, 2007 (automatically translated)

See Russian wersions up to December 2009.

In "Works of other authors" the publication of Susan E. Embretson "The second century of ability testing: predictions and speculations".

In the EGE division the publication


SURVIVE UNTIL 2009?" is added.

In the division"Theory and the procedure of educational measurements" are added the articles:

"Test as Educational System" (on 1 March, 2007), prepared for the periodical OF PI, y,200".
the "application of tests in the professional selection",
the "application of items in the test form in the new educational technologies",
the bases of the theory of the educational items: Part II".
In the divisionof the "work of other authors"

is added the article

Lin' of Yu -Sh. educational reform in Taiwan: from the united entrance examination to the multivariant forms of method into VUZ - Institute of Higher Education.

It published
of 4 journals "educational measurements" in 2006. It is sent for the imposition y, 2007g.

Is represented information about the 2-oy Moscow flight school

on the educational measurements.

New division is added - Single state examination

Is represented the collection of the articles V.S. Of avanesova in size PDF, previously podgotovlennnyy CG and MKO OF UGTU-UPI.

In the division"educational policy and ethics in the formation" are added the articles "national projects they are necessary, but others".
"super-excess inequality - the main reason for the shortage of money to the formation" (Gazeta.ru).
"EGE as the form of violence", ("the independent newspaper", on 20 October, 2006).

Is represented the English version of my article"united state examination in the focus of scientific research", printed in the international educational periodical "KEDI Journal of Educational Policy" by the name "Consequences of the EGE in russia". Article in size DjVu. Russian version - see below.

Two new articles are added:
the "bases of the theory of educational items" andthe "system of items in the test form". They are published in the zhurnale"Pedagogicheskiye measurements" 2, 2006.

In the divisionof the "work of other authors" are added three articles: "The Rasch Model Additive Conjoint Measurement, and New Models of Probabilistic Measurement Theory" and "Enumerating and testing conjoint measurement models" in size DjVu.

The article "united state examination in the focus of scientific research". It is published in y the journal "educational measurements". To acquire periodical is possible in the publishing house: bodies. 345-59-01. Subscription continues. Subscribed index of periodical 84271

In the division "program of occupations" are added the photographs of the occupations of the author at the Belorussian state university.

Program of visiting occupations with the professorial-teaching staff for 2006-2007 academic years. Orders start on April and May of 2007.



English version

Program of the occupations


History of the tests

Educational policy and ethics in the formation

Theory and methods of the Educational Measurement

United state examination (YEGE)

Thesis V.S. Of avanesova to the competition of the scientific degree of the doctor of the pedagogical sciences

Not published

Work of other authors

(Rasch Measurements and other))

Rambler's Top100

AVANESOV Vadim Sergeyevich, the doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor. Sphere of scientific interests - measurement in the social sciences, the development of the scientifically substantiated tests for different training disciplines. To the procedure of the development of items in the test form and with respect to the program of the author's course of the "bases of theory and procedure of pedagogical measurements" it is trained about 10 thousand instructors of the highest and secondary special educational institutions, and also teachers of the schools of Russia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstana, Belorussia, Ukraine, Armenia. Experience of pedagogical work in VUZ - Institute of Higher Education, research work in APN USSR institute of Higher Education - Academy of Pedagogical Sciences, USSR, in the institute of sociology of the AS USSR, by the professor- consultant MGIMO OF MID RF.

Now - the teaching of author's course the "bases of pedagogical measurements" to the professorial-teaching staff of VUZ - Institute of Higher Education of Russia and foreign countries, the second and third levels of course include the statistical methods of developing the tests, Rasch Measurement, Item Response Theory and the basis of pedagogical craftsmanship. The texts of all lectures and thousand of training materials remain to listeners to the compact - disk.

Author of the books: "tests in a sociological study" (M., science, 1982), "the bases of the scientific organization of pedagogical control in the higher school (M., 1987). the "scientific problems of the test of the checking of knowledge" (M. 1994) the "composition of test items" (1996, 1 publ., 1998. 2 publ., 2002. 3 publ.), the "form of test items" (M., 2005) and other cycle of the articles (more than forty) according to history and theory of tests in the newspaper "management of school" (y999-2000gg.). Journalism on questions of testing and educational policy. ("the independent" and "teacher" newspapers, the journals "public education", the "Russian Federation today", "university and school", "pedagogical diagnostics", etc.). Contributor in all numbers of the new journal "pedagogical measurements" of y-2, 200yag., y-ya, 200shchg., 1 - 4, 2006g. and y 2007.

Guest book


© Copyright: Vadim Avanesov, 1998-2007; e-mail: testolog@mail.ru

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